Diverta Inc. (the "Company"). (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of its social responsibility and has been making efforts to properly manage personal information for some time now, focusing on its computer software development business.
For the purpose of further strengthening the protection of personal information, we have established the "Personal Information Protection Policy" to comply with the laws and other regulations regarding the protection of personal information, and to handle personal information appropriately with voluntary rules and systems that are appropriate to our corporate philosophy and business content.
The Company will strive to protect personal information by having all officers and employees comply with the "Management System for the Protection of Personal Information" (this policy, internal rules and regulations for the protection of personal information, etc.) established based on this policy.
The Company will clarify the purpose of use of personal information and will collect and use personal information in an appropriate manner to the extent necessary to achieve that purpose. In addition, we will not provide or disclose your personal information to a third party unless we have your consent or there is a legitimate reason by law. If you wish to disclose or correct your personal information, we will promptly respond to your request within a reasonable range.
In order to properly manage personal information, the Company will appoint a manager and maintain an internal system that clearly defines roles and responsibilities.
In order to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of all personal information due to unauthorized access, theft, removal, etc., the Company will take the necessary preventive and corrective measures and properly manage all personal information. In the event that we outsource the processing of personal information to a third party, we will conclude a contract that stipulates the protection of personal information, and we will manage and supervise its proper management.
We will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Japanese Industrial Standards Requirements for Management Systems for the Protection of Personal Information (JIS Q15001:2006), and other standards related to the protection of personal information.
We strive to keep the personal information and data we receive from you accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you have a request for disclosure, correction, or deletion of your personal information, or if you have a complaint, please fill out the necessary information on the inquiry form designated by the Company and contact the Personal Information Complaint Desk. After confirming your identity, we will disclose, correct or delete your personal information within a reasonable period of time and scope. For any other requests regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the Personal Information Complaint Desk using the inquiry form designated by the Company in the same way.
We will continuously review and improve our "Management System for the Protection of Personal Information" in response to changes our nature of business, the laws and regulations surrounding our business, the social environment, and the IT environment. The Company's personal information management system conforms to the Japanese Industrial Standard JISQ 15001:2006. For more information on the handling of personal information and other details, please refer to each entry forms.
Date of enactment: July 1, 2008
Date of revision: October 1, 2016
Diverta Inc.
Kenta Katoh, Representative Director
* The original version of this privacy policy is in Japanese. If there is any discrepancy between the translation results and the original text, the original text will take precedence.
Contact for Personal Information Complaints
Takashi Suzuki, General Manager, Administration Department, Divata Corporation
Contact us : 03-3267-3900
E-mail : privacy@diverta.co.jp